United States Department of Agriculture offers several programs geared towards agricultural producers in Montana. Jill Lorang, who works for the Cascade County Farm Service Agency, talked to KMON about one of those programs that has an upcoming deadline. You can hear the audio version of the interview at the bottom of the page.

Jill Lorang: “I want to visit about the maps and the acreage reporting deadline. All maps for fall planted crops need to be returned by November 15. Maps are available for pick up at the office or we can email them to you. Please don't wait until next week to return the map. If you planted winter wheat for grain or for forage, any fall planted canola, triticale or any other fall crops, please contact the office this week to get your maps and to get scheduled to sign your acreage report. I also want to remind everybody that it is the producer's responsibility to notify the office with any entity changes of shares or shareholders. All new land leases, land sales and land purchases should also be turned into your FSA office. The ARC-PLC program sign up has started. We would encourage farmers to go to Farmers.GOV for tools that they can utilize in making their election decision of either PLC, ARC County or ARC IC. And we will be doing some informational meetings in the near future to discuss those options as well. The deadline is March 15, but we would encourage you to make an election now and then if you wanted to change your election later on, you can certainly do that. And then the livestock disaster is just a reminder. If you're having to haul hay due to the drought, that those notice losses need to be timely turned into the office within 15 days of you starting to haul hay. If you hauled water and filed that notice of loss this summer, please turn into in your number of gallons that you hauled to the office and get that paperwork completed as well. The deadline to do the application for payment for these programs is January 30.

Tune in every morning at 6:45 and 8:45 M-F for up to date Ag News from around the area.  If you have any Ag Story that needs to be told, send me an email at randall.bogden@townsquaremedia.com


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