
How many smoke in Montana and how does it compare to other states
How many smoke in Montana and how does it compare to other states
How many smoke in Montana and how does it compare to other states
It is estimated  that 450,000 people die from smoking related issues in the United States each year.  In  Montana that number is about 1600 per year.  Nationwide it is estimated that about 16.6 percent of americans smoke and  that amounts to about 42,000,000 people. Montana stats. Mo...
Healthcare checkups are a part of life.
Healthcare checkups are a part of life.
Healthcare checkups are a part of life.
Standup comedians regularly joke about men and women’s health and some of the procedures that need to be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate checks are just a few of the jokes I have heard about. Howeve...