What Candy Do Montanans Buy More Than Any Other?

I can't even begin to tell you how much candy I eat during the month of October. What happens is I usually buy a bag for the trick or treaters, then end up eating it all before Halloween.

While we might buy more candy in October, it's not the only time we buy candy, but what candy do we buy more than any other all year long?


Two kids buying candy at a candy shop

The Most Bought Candy According To Instacart

Instacart, the grocery delivery and pickup service, surveyed 2,000 people all over America to find out our candy trends.

It found that 1 out of 4 people say Halloween is their favorite holiday, and they also found that 1 out of 3 people start buying Halloween candy before the calendar even says October.

When it comes to Montana and our favorite Halloween candy, that would be Reese's Peanut Butter cups, but it's not the candy we buy all the time every other month.

READ MORE: The Worst Chocolate Brand In America Is Sold All Over Montana

A stack of peanut butter cups

When It Comes To Candy Montana Has A Big Sweet Tooth

According to Instacart, Montana ranks #4 when it comes to having a sweet tooth.

They also revealed that the candy Montana residents buy the most throughout the year at a rate higher than the national average is Peanut M&M's.

One last thing that Instacart has is a breakdown of which area's in your town are buying the most candy, which could come very handy when planning where to go trick-or-treating this year. Who know maybe you'll get some of the newest candy coming out this Halloween.👇

New Halloween Candy Making Its Debut in 2024

Here is a look at eight of the newest candy offerings that will be debuting during Halloween this year. 

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

LOOK: 15 Amazing Candy Stores You Need to Know About in Montana

Looking for a place to satisfy your sweet tooth? Check out theses awesome candy stores in Montana

Gallery Credit: Jesse James

KEEP READING: 7 Pumpkin Color Meanings You Should Know Before Handing Out Candy on Halloween

Pumpkins have become more than a Halloween decoration for families who want to spread awareness about a specific cause. Here is a look at the meaning behind seven different pumpkin colors.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll