What State Is Sending Montana The Worst Drivers

Californians get a pretty bad rap in Montana, but when it comes to bad drivers, most residents feel they aren't that bad.

At least that is according to an unscientific poll gathered from comments on a recent post on the Montana subreddit.

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A reddit icon on a cell phone with chat bubbles next to it

Is The State With The Worst Drivers Full Of California Transplants

There were 14 states, by my count, named in the Reddit thread that were considered by Montana residents to be bad drivers.

Still, there were two states that kept coming up over and over again when it came to drivers driving Montana residents crazy.

However, most people claimed that those bad drivers in those states were actually California transplants. It turns out not just Montana residents hate Californians.

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A woman holds her head and screams in front of highway sign saying "Calilfornia"

Does The State You Are From Determine Your Driving Habits

One of the recurring themes from the post is that you could go to any subreddit for any state in America and find people complaining about out-of-state drivers near them being the worst.

Still, I'll take the word of truckers who chimed in by saying they agreed that some of the worst drivers are from certain states.

Even people who worked at our National Parks said it wasn't generalizing or stereotyping when it came to the worst drivers being from two certain states.

The funny thing is, no one actually said people driving IN California were bad, and it was also pointed out that most cars with California plates in Montana were most likely rentals.

So let's take a very unscientific look at what state is sending us the worst drivers in the gallery below.

Ranking The Worst Out Of State Drivers In Montana

A recent post on the Montana subreddit said these were the worst out of state drivers in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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Gallery Credit: Stacker

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