The other day, while driving home on 10th Ave, I came across cars backed up behind two street sweepers and a water truck.

This occurrence brought a thought into my mind that I've had before, why is road maintenance not done at night when there isn't anyone on the road?

Please understand that I'm not criticizing the folk out busting their butts to keep our streets clean and maintained.

But in reality, wouldn't it be a million times easier to work on the roads when there aren't many vehicles speeding around town?

Positives Of Road Construction At Night


Performing road work at night isn't such a revolutionary idea either; many other states do this consistently.

I can remember numerous times while I lived in Colorado, road crews would roll up an area around 7:00 pm, and by the following day, an entire section of roadway was paved and open for traffic.

Additionally, working at night provides cooler temperatures in the summer months, making it more comfortable for construction crews and allowing certain types of work to be completed more efficiently.

Negatives Of Road Construction At Night

However, there are also challenges associated with nighttime road construction, such as limited visibility and potential disturbances to nearby residents due to noise.

It's no secret that construction projects often involve balancing inconvenience to the public and completing the work efficiently.

Not to mention, working overnights is far from fun!

I'm speaking from experience with that one!

And I can't say that I've never witnessed roadwork at night here in Montana.

All the heavy lifting of the 10th Avenue and Fox Farm project a few years ago was at night.

Nonetheless, it's a thought, and I'd be curious how others feel about the idea.


We've all seen 'em.

That souped-up vehicle sitting next to you at the red light or blowing your doors off on the interstate.

When you lay eyes on one of those beauties, the thought runs through your mind - 'Man, I would get in SO much trouble behind the wheel of that bad boy'.

And you're probably right. But which vehicles on the road today are causing drivers to take the most risks?

BestLife story breaks looks at a study from North Bay Legal and Insurify to pinpoint exactly which vehicles are being piloted by the most reckless drivers, according to figures from the National Highway Safety Administration.

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