How To Have a Safe, Dog Friendly Montana Halloween

With the bewitching day almost upon us, hopefully you have stocked up on enough candy and refreshments to get you through the frightful night.

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And you probably are grabbing a few of those candies for yourself during the evening, because who can resist a peanut butter cup, right!  Just make sure you aren't slipping a few of those candies to Fido this Halloween season.

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Most Halloween Candy is Dangerous for Your Montana Pet

I think that making yourself sick with candy is a rite of passage during Halloween, or really any of the holidays that feature lots of goodies.  We may be able to recover from those sugar highs, but our dogs are much different.

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Most candy being offered for the holiday can be deadly for your dog.  But overall, candy is general for your pet is detrimental to their overall health and wellbeing.  Keeping it out of reach and being used for a treat could cause severe reactions.

Keeps Dogs Away from These During Halloween Festivities in Montana

According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) much of the food and treats we enjoy on Halloween are toxic to dogs, and some can be deadly.  And since dogs will pretty much eat anything, including wrappers, being vigilant is important.

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The AKC suggests making your own pumpkin dog treats for Halloween candy for your pet.  You can find a recipe for them here.  Check out the gallery below for a full list of candy that is harmful to your dog. 👇

CAUTION: These popular Halloween foods are dangerous to dogs!

Our adorable pups might be great at begging but if you give in, Halloween could end up being an even scarier time for your pooch. According to the American Kennel Club, the following Halloween favorites are foods you should avoid giving to your dog.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Halloween Pet Costumes

Most Googled Halloween Candy in 2024

Google is a handy tool. It helps us with directions. It keeps our lives organized thanks to its calendar. It even stores our photos for us! It also lets us search the entire world for information with just a few words or clicks. And this Halloween, the search for candy has been very active. Google has shared with USA Today the top candy searches for each state this Halloween and there are 5 HUGE winners.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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