How To See James Bond and Nick Fury in Livingston, Montana

Sure, celebrity sightings occur across the Big Sky state.  Maybe in Kalispell, maybe in Choteau, or in Bozeman around Big Sky Resort.  But those are rare glimpses if those celebrities decide to head out of their fancy abode and venture into the public eye.

In Livingston, Montana though, you have a chance to see them actually working.

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Stepping Back in Time for An All-New Western Adventure

A recent article from the Livingston Enterprise says that two major actors are making appearances at various businesses while working on a new western movie being shot at the Yellowstone Film Ranch in Paradise Valley.

Starring as the just arrived sheriff, Pierce Brosnan steps back in time for this role to the 1870's of rural Montana.  According to the article, the film is "described as a tale of revenge, dark secrets, and buried treasures".

Los Angeles Premiere Of Netflix's "The Out-Laws" - Arrivals
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It also stars another huge Hollywood figure, Samuel L. Jackson.  Jackson takes on the role of mysterious figure St. Christopher during the tale.

95th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals
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When Will This Feature Be Hitting the Big Screen to Enjoy?

Unfortunately, there isn't a set date for the release of "Unholy Trinity".  Filming is continuing currently at the Yellowstone Film Ranch according to the director, Livingston resident Richard Gray.

You may even notice some local Montana people hitting the screen when it does premiere.  Producer and Livingston resident Carter Boehm, who owns the majority of the Yellowstone Film Ranch said that of the nearly 100 people working on the film, 60% of those are local.  Keep an eye out for the trailer for this one!

James Bond Movies Ranked

The James Bond movies have been many things over the years: one of the longest-running film franchises in the history of cinema, box-office behemoths that have routinely topped all-time-money-making-films charts and textbook examples of how to stage action pictures.

Gallery Credit: Michael Gallucci

The Correct Viewing Order of Marvel Movies

Here’s the MCU movies you need to watch — and the best order to view them in.

The 13 Best Celebrity Sightings in Montana During 2022

Many folks love coming to Montana to unwind and enjoy themselves, and celebrities are no different. Here are the best celebrity sightings of 2022.

Gallery Credit: Will Gordon

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