The Best Montana Father’s Day Gift: Spend TIME With Your Dad, Before You Can’t
My dad and I were really good buds. We hung out a lot, traveled together often, and even did mundane errands together all the time. Then, I lost him in 2016 and everything changed.
Father's Day doesn't bother me much, surprisingly. The same applies to Mother's Day. I think of my folks all the time, but the random Tuesday afternoon might hit me hard with memories. I don't need some holiday to remind me how great my dad was.

My dad and I didn't always spend much time together. My entire young life, he was rarely home, traveling the globe as a camera man and crew chief for NBC. His adventures made for fantastic stories, but it didn't make for a steady presence.
Long story short: Dad retired at the same time I hit Montana State and I became a very busy young adult tackling college and drinking beer. Shortly thereafter, my folks moved to Mexico for many years and I only got to see them a few times a year.
It wasn't until my Dad moved back to Bozeman around 2006 that our relationship became wonderfully close. He even lived with me for a few years before we got his own place. That situation doesn't work for everyone, but it worked for us. He'd get up insanely early to have coffee with me EVERY SINGLE MORNING before I left for work at 5am.
From that point (little did I know), I would have TEN YEARS with him. That's it. I feel extremely blessed that we made the best of it, even in the pretty crappy times when he battled some health issues.
Don't waste a single day. Go do stuff. Stuff he likes. Hopefully stuff you both like. All the clichés apply - "Life is short", "Tomorrow isn't promised", blah, blah, blah. They're all true. If your dad is still around and you get along...spend some time with him. REAL time. Listen more and talk less. Have some patience. Trust me, Father's Day won't be the same without him.