Thought you we're done with your taxes? Think Again!

If you own a property in Cascade County, you likely have already received your tax bill for 2024.


If you're anything like me, you likely had sticker shock when you opened the envelope.

Property reevaluations and mill levies are to thank for the increase.

Whether you paid it in full or broke it into two payments, you likely thought that was it for your yearly property taxes, right? Wrong!

Handing Money Over

Additional Tax Bill Cascade County

Thanks to a little battle between Cascade County and the Montana Department of Revenue, you will soon receive another tax bill if you haven't already.

Now, Cascade County residents aren't alone in this extra tax bill issue; numerous other counties in Montana have also pushed back on the State Equalization Mills.

49 out of Montanan's 56 counties to be exact. 

What are State Equalization Mills in Montana? 

From The Montana Department of Revenue:

The state levies 95 mills for the equalization of elementary and high school base funding and 6 mills for the university system.

There are also 1.5 mills levied for vocational and technical education that are applied to property in Silver Bow, Cascade, Yellowstone, Missoula, and Lewis and Clark counties only.

Pushback on the State Mills

The Montana Association of Counties argued that the state's mills are also subject to state law, which limits increases to the amount assessed in the previous year plus half the inflation rate.

That's the same cap local governments are subject to when adjusting property taxes.

If you want to check out the full detailed story, check out The Electric's write-up here

Read Next: Tax Season Is Underway In Montana, Here’s What You Need To Know

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