If You Left Montana Where Would You Go?

I know what you're thinking, who in their right mind would want to leave Montana?

You're right, only the people NOT in their right mind would want to move away from everything we have to offer.

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That or someone who sees other job opportunities that they aren't afforded here and get incentivized by the cash pay outs that these 12 states are offering.

We're not talking a couple hundred dollars either, we're talking thousands of dollars to pick up and move.

The website Debt Hammer has the list of 12 states that have monetary incentives of some sort to relocate.

A handshake with one hand offering cash as a bribe

Let's take a look at some of the more lucrative offers out there.


The Choose Topeka program offers a $15,000 grant to workers who get a job with a Shawnee County employer. Remote workers can get up to $15,000 for homebuyers and $10,000 for renters.


Maine residents who meet certain graduation requirements are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in lifetime student loan forgiveness though the Maine Student Loan Repayment Tax Credit.


New Haven, Conn., is the home of Yale University and is close enough to New York City for a day trip, which makes it a bit unique among the states that will pay you to move there. It also offers an attractive package with incentives for new homeowners.

The package includes financial assistance for first-time homebuyers for down payments and closing costs. The city will provide a zero-interest forgivable loan. At the end of the five-year loan period the loan is fully forgiven.

Debt Hammer goes on to also mention West Virginia, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Vermont, Alabama, Iowa, Ohio along with Minnesota.

There is one other state on the list that most Montana residents would feel most at home at and that is Alaska.

If you were to move to Alaska and live there for at least a year you would qualify for their Permanent Fund Dividend. This is a program that sees the state pay their residents just to live there. In 2023 the payment was $1,312.

Cash isn't the only reason people are moving away from Montana as you'll see below.

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Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

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