Tuesday’s Great Falls Murder Was Apparently Caught On Video And Posted To Social Media.
Police are now putting together details in Tuesday's brutal murder of a 51 year old Great Falls woman. Tammey McWilliams was found stabbed to death in Chowen Springs Park off 9th Avenue South around 1:50AM Tuesday Morning.
Two people have now been arrested in the case. They are 20 year old Bing Ahenakew and 18 year old Charlotte Andrade. Both have been charged with Accountability to Deliberate Homicide. Both are facing life in prison. Bond for each has been set at $500,000 and both are in the Cascade County Jail.
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In charging documents, police responded to the park regarding a noise disturbance and that as many as three may have been drinking. There police noticed a young woman and a man striking another woman who was laying on the ground. When police were able to track down the two suspects who attempted to leave the scene, they noticed the woman on the ground had been stabbed and there was "a lot of Blood."
Police later learned there was a video of the incident recorded by a 15 year old who then posted it to TikTok. That video has now been removed but according to police it shows the two suspects attacking the victim. Police also say they saw Ahenakew kick the victim at least three times in the head as she laid lifeless on the ground.
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According to our sources, the victim may have been stabbed as many as eight times. One stab wound punctured the victims aorta and another penetrated her liver. Ahenakew says he only stabbed the victim once and claimed it was self defense but police say the fact that both of the suspects fled the area and had to be chased down by police is evidence of consciousness of guilt for their role in the stabbing.
One Witness says the two suspects are apparently in a relationship together.
By now you are probably asking why? The report does not get into that and the investigation is continuing but one of our sources says the 51 year old victim may have gone into the park to ask the people to stop making the noise when she was attacked.
Andrade was cut on her nose in the incident and was taken to the hospital before she was booked into the jail.
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