Anybody that knows me knows that I like to take pictures of the sunrise.  In this  story you are going to see my sunrise pictures from the past year and all were taken right here in the Great Falls area.  And while you look at the pictures I threw in some Sun fun facts along the way.

Sunrise in Great Falls

Sunrise north of Malmstrom

Sunrise on a winter day north of Malmstrom

Did you know the sun is 4.6 billion years old and its radius is nearly 433,000 miles.  The radius is about nine times the size of earth.

This pic is from Giant Springs State Park.

Sunrise in Great Falls

Sunrise at Giant Springs

The sun is made up of  hot plasma,  heated by nuclear fusion reaction in its core.  The energy is mainly light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation.

Sunrise on the east end of town.

Sunrise in GF

Sunrise in East Great Falls.

Did you know our sun is one of about 100 billion stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The sun has extremely important influences on our planet like, weather,  ocean currents, seasons, and climate.


Sunrise in Great Falls

The Sun peaking through the clouds.

The sun began to take shape 4.5 billion years ago, first as a molecular cloud that was mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.  Other parts of the molecular cloud later cooled off and became planets.

Sunrise in Great Falls


Beautiful sunrise in Great Falls, Montana.

About three quarters of the sun is make up of hydrogen which is always fusing together and creating helium in a process called nuclear fusion.

Sunrise from the north side of the river in Great Falls.


Sunrise from the north side of the river in Great Falls.

The sun is Permeated and somewhat controlled by a magnetic field.  The sun has different layers and they all rotate at different speeds.

An incredible Sunrise taken earlier this summer at Giant Springs State Park.


An incredible Sunrise taken earlier this summer at Giant Springs State Park.

Every second the sun burns through about 620 million metric tons of hydrogen into helium.

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