Check Out These Earth Day Events Around Great Falls

No matter how you feel about the topic of climate change or what some call global warming, Earth Day is an opportunity to celebrate the planet and explore ways to take better care of the environment.

Often, folks will plant a tree, clean up garbage, or simply spend some time outdoors.

Whatever your preference, a few of the local state parks are offering events in association with Earth Day, Which falls on a Monday this year, April 22, 2024. 

Upcoming Earth Day Events Around Great Falls, Montana

Giant Springs State Park and First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park are the two State Parks near Great Falls that will be hosting events. 

Giant Springs State Park Event

Event Date: Sunday, April 21, from 12-3 p.m

This free event will include crafts, games, DIY bird feeders, pipe cleaner flower potting, trash basketball games, and rake races.

All the needed supplies will be included.

Keep in mind the weather may impact this event.

For more information or updates about the event, call the park at 406-727-1212, or check the park's Facebook page

First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park near Ulm

Event Date: Monday, April 22, at 6:30 p.m

Join in on a ranger-guided hike at sunset.

The three-mile is moderately difficult and covers the history of the park.

The hike costs $4, and non-residents must pay $8 for parking.

For more information about this event, contact the park at 406-866-2217 or follow the park on Facebook

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