No My Favorite Easter Candy Has Been Linked To Cancer, Now What?
I'm not sure if you saw the news recently but an Easter candy has been linked to cancer. Yep I'll admit it, I LOVE peeps. I know most people have a different opinion than me on that, but I stand by my love for them.

However, now with the news that they contain Red Dye No. 3 I don't know what to think.
Can't I just have one nice thing?
It seems everything anymore has cancer causing substances in it lately doesn't it? I don't mean to sound conspiratorial here, but it does seem every day we hear something else has been known to cause cancer. Next you'll tell me cigarettes cause cancer.
What's that, they do? Oh, well that one makes sense honestly.
Back to the peeps, and my love for them. Thankfully it seems that not all peeps contain the Red Dye No. 3, but here's the weird thing I found out. In 1990, according to the FDA website, dyes and coloring were banned in cosmetics and external drugs. HOWEVER they were still allowed to use the dye in their products if the product was meant to be ingested?!
That seems dumb.
I agree, that does seem dumb. Which is why they are now hoping to change that and Peeps have been called out in the news and on social media to recall their products that contain Red Dye No. 3.
So if you are like me and you love Peeps, go ahead and get the tried and true classic yellow peeps. Just remember there are dozens of us out there that love them.
Keep scrolling to see what Peeps contain Red Dye No. 3 👇