Is your last name unique or very common? If it is unique, how often is it misspelled or mis-pronounced? I have put a list of the most common last names in Montana. Is your name on the list?
Montana is full of beautiful scenery.
Most Common Surname in Montana:
- Johnson
- Smith
- Anderson
- Jones
- Nelson
- Peterson
- Davis
- Olson
- Clark
- Thomas
Would you prefer to have a common last name or one that very few others have?
Having a unique name helps you stand out from the crowd.
Most Common Surname in the United States:
- Smith
- Johnson
- Williams
- Brown
- Jones
- Garcia
- Miller
- Davis
- Rodriguez
- Martinez
Keep reading to see a comparison of population and land size of the top countries in the world.
Most Common Surname in the World
- Wang
- Li
- Mohamed
- Mohammed
With all of these surnames, how does the population break out in the United States?
Population Based on 2021 numbers, United States Population is at 331,893,745.
- Ethnic Numbers in the United States:
- Non Hispanic White 57.8%
- Hispanic/ Latino Americans 18.7%
- Black/ African Americans 12.1%
- Asian 5.9%
- Native American (including Alaska Native) 0.7%
Populating based on Gender.
Based on 2021 statistics, in 2021 there were:
- Women- 167,510,000 women (number has been rounded off)
- Men- 164,380,000 men (number has been rounded off)
- Please note: the census only showed two genders
Surprisingly, within the various age categories, it remains for the most part evenly spread. The 30-34 age group is the largest and the Under 5 age group is the smallest, but the gap is only about 2 million in each gender group.
The world’s population is approximately 8 billion people
- China 1,439,323,776 with approximately 2.37 billion acres
- India 1,381,004,385 with approximately 707 million acres
- United States 331, 893,745 with approximately 1.9 billion acres
- Indonesia 273,523,615 with approximately 225 million acres
- Pakistan 220,892,340 with approximately 324 million acres
- Brazil 212,559,417 with approximately 260 million acres
- Nigeria 206,139,589 with approximately 228 million acres
- Bangladesh 164,689,383 with approximately 36 million acres
- Russia 145,934,462 with approximately 4.22 billion acres
- Mexico 128,932,753 with approximately 487 million acres
- Canada 37,742,15 with approximately 89 million acres
If you have a story idea or something you want to learn more about, give Randy a call at 406-788-3003 or send me an email at randall.bogden@townsquaremedia.com
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