Read any good books lately? I have
Something I did a lot of as a child was read books. It took me places I had never been and allowed me to “live in the old west” or “be a detective” or any number of other adventures. A well written book can draw a picture so vivid that you feel like you were there. Unfortunately as I grew older I quit reading books and turned to different forms of show biz, like TV shows and movies to get my entertainment. I believe it is important to “step away” from the realities of life on occasion to maintain a happy healthy well balanced life.
In the past several years’ television, movies and the like have become very politically charged and focused on an agenda. They are businesses that have the right to provide what they want, but as a consumer I have a right to reject it. When I watch a show, I do so to be happy or to laugh or to be somewhere different for thirty minutes. I don’t want to be forced to accept ideals that do not match my own.
My answer- go back to reading books. That is why I have read several book from authors that live in and around the Great Falls area. Here are the most current ones I have read and I highly recommend them:
Under the Biggest Sky of All, author Ron Mills from Augusta takes the reader through a large portion of his life as a cowboy, rancher, hunting guide and family man. Ron’s description of breaking a horse or spending a night at camp left me feeling like I was on the trip with him. I could literally see the elk in the distance and feel the aching in my ribs after an unplanned dismount. The book is available at The Western Bar in Augusta or on Amazon (although, a trip to Augusta, to buy it at The Western is a lot of fun so I recommend getting it there.) The other books that I recently read are a two part series from Cascade author Skip Halmes titled the Cow Whisperer and Dances With Hooves. Once again these books had me laughing, and at time tearing up with childhood memories of my own. I won’t give away too much, but you can truly witness the backcountry beauty through the words of this talented author. I bought both of the books directly from Skip, but they are available through Hearts ‘N Tummies Cookbook Co 1-800-571-2665.
I am ready for some new reading material. What is on your shelf that I should get a copy of for my library? I am looking forward to your suggestion!
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