What makes a good burger? Is it the fat content, the seasoning, the bun, the toppings, the location, fresh or frozen? The fun thing about this question is there is no right answer.  Each and every one of us have a different opinion on the subject. So why write an article that almost no one is going to agree on 100%? Great question, so the only answer I have is it is close to meal time, I am hungry and a burger sounds good.

First, let me tell you what I think makes a good burger.  Fresh ground beef with 85% lean and 15% fat.  I know, more fat more flavor, but my doctor has convinced me I can do with a little less flavor for a while. Second, the bun needs to be hardy enough to handle a manly burger, yet dainty enough to not over power it. I like the burger to be lightly seasoned with salt and pepper and the only toppings I like are American cheese, crisp bacon, pickle slices and a touch of ketchup.  Once again, there are 100's of correct answers, this is my list. Oh, and I like my burger to be cooked all the way through. No pink! I know, that is a deal breaker for some of you.

In my opinion, a burger is best enjoyed at a barbeque or at a local restaurant. That is why I picked my top 10 favorite LOCAL burger joints in Great Falls.  Since each one offers something different, they are in alphabetical order, not order of preference.

  • American Bar- unfortunately, this place has closed down.  The burgers were good, the onion rings were really good, but the short drive to Stockett and the atmosphere of the bar was why it made my list.
  • Brian’s Top Notch- big, hardy stick to your ribs burgers.  One thing about the Top Notch, is you don’t leave hungry.
  • Burger Master- unfortunately, this place has closed down.  The American Bar did a decent job of duplicating the burger Master menu, but I have not found anything as good as the Ramp Burger or the Pizza Burger.  Of course I was much younger with an entirely different taste palate back then.
  • Cattlemen’s Cut Restaurant- this is another place that the burgers are big and hearty and fill you up. If you have room add the salad bar- it is good!
  • Double Barrel Cafe- speaking of big! The Double Barrel Burger is one that actually scares me a little.  Great burger, but more than I can handle any more.
  • Eddies Supper Club- unfortunately, this place has closed down.  The campfire burger was a special thing to enjoy.  The campfire seasoning that they used gave it a unique flavor that I haven’t found anywhere else.  They also ground their own burger using the trim from their steaks and roasts which bring up an entirely different conversation.
  • Ford’s Drive-Inn- The burgers are good, but it is the “drive up” atmosphere that truly gets them on the list.  They are fun and friendly as they run to your vehicle and then back to put in the order.
  • Halftime- also uses a special seasoning or blend for their burgers.  One thing I really like is they always cook mine the way I like it.
  • Roadhouse Diner- what a fun place with a great ever changing menu.  The staples are always there, but you can count on a new fun burger for a limited time that will have you going back for more.  I am waiting to see if the 560 KMON burger ever makes the list.  I am sure it would be a hit!
  • Street Burgers- everything about this place is fun.  The burgers should be the main attraction, and for some they are, but the cheesecake shakes literally take the cake and warrant them being on the list.

I tried not to get to wordy on each of the LOCAL burger joints I like because I think you should make up your own mind about each of them.  More importantly, which ones didn’t make the list that should?  Let me know!

If you have a story idea or something you want to learn more about, give Randy a call at 406-788-3003 or send me an email at randall.bogden@townsquaremedia.com

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