Why is FWP working on a Management plan for the Grizzly Bear
There have been many stories in the news over the past couple of years about delisting the Grizzly Bear and returning the management of the animal back to the state of Montana. Recently there have been stories about MT Fish Wildlife and Parks drawing up management plans for that purpose. Governor Greg Gianforte talked to the 560 KMON about why that is being done:
Governor Gianforte: “We have really smart people at FWP (Fish, Wildlife and Parks) and my priorities with FWP have been very clear. I think that there's nothing in the Constitution that says anything about the feds getting to tell us what to do with the wildlife. The 10th Amendment is really clear. It says any rights not explicitly granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people. So, I believe that it the state does a better job managing wildlife, but we have to prove it. This happened when the wolf got delisted. The state had to have a plan in place. We know the bears have recovered. I mean, they're more than recovered. The Endangered Species Act is sort of like Hotel California. You can check out, but you can never leave. We petitioned the federal government a year ago to delist the grizzly bear. Based on the science, we still think that's the right decision. But what would happen is then they would pass management control back to the state. All I'm saying to FWP is be ready, have common sense rules in place that allow us to manage the problem bears and preserve the species at a healthy population.”
Governor Gianforte
Many Montanans would like to see a hunting season added for the Grizzly Bear. The Governor was asked if hunting was an option, here is what he had to say:
Governor Gianforte: I think everything's on the table. It's not the first thing we go to. I mean, that becomes a flashpoint. I really think that the first step is to recognize that the bears have recovered and get management control passed back to the state. We've demonstrated over and over again the state can do a fine job much better than bureaucrats that are thousands of miles away.
Those who are old enough remember the “reintroduction” of wolves to Montana and the amount of time it took to “re-instate” hunting as a control method. I am curious how you feel about hunting when it comes to wolves or the grizzly bear. Should it be allowed immediately or sometime in the future or never? You can email me at randall.bogden@townsquaremedia.com or leave a message on our KMON Facebook page.
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