How soon is it Okay to Break our 2023 New Years Resolutions
Happy New Year, well almost. 2023 is less than two weeks away and that means it is time to set the New Year resolution, right? My question is, when you set a resolution, how soon, is too soon, to break it?
According to Talk to Mira The Most Popular 2022 Resolutions. Living healthier (23%), personal improvement and happiness (21%), and losing weight (20%) were the top 2022 resolutions. In 2023, prioritize mindset over numbers on a scale and move at your own pace when navigating your goals. Focus on positive reinforcements to shape your perspective.
I have set resolutions many times over the years and have failed at every one of them. Some might say that even completing a day or two should be considered a success, but the disappointment you feel when you stop achieving your goal, is hard to look at as a success.In the above mentioned article, Mira recommends setting achievable goals. This makes sense. My goal for today is to have at least one cup of coffee. Success! I will add that the “achievable goal” should be geared towards some improvement or a way to make your life better. Although coffee is something I enjoy, I can’t say it improves me.
One thought I have is, don’t set a goal or resolution for the next 12 months, instead, set one for the first day. Then set one for the second day. If our goal is to be 1% better each day than the day before, then after a year we will have improved 365%. That is pretty lofty so what if we only succeed 10% of the time? That means after a year we are 36.5% better than we were the year before. To me that would be a success.
So I will start by stating my 2023 New Year’s Resolutions right here. I expect every one of you to hold me accountable. I know I can do this with your help.
My resolutions are: