So at the end of last month, I said it was KMON's 75th birthday/anniversary.  I chose the date I did, September 27th, because that was the date the broadcast license was issued according to FCC records.

Read More:  Happy 75th Birthday to 560 KMON!

The thing is, KMON was on the air months before that date.  The difference between when it was done in reality and when it was official according to the government, I guess.

At the end of that article, I encouraged people to reach out and share their favorite 560 moments, since, honestly, my timeline was pretty lacking.  And people did respond.

One of the best responses I got was from Megan and the staff at the Great Falls History Museum, who got in touch and sent me newspaper articles and even a couple photos from their archives.

So I thought I'd share what they sent me.  Again, a big thank you to Megan and the staff at the Great Falls History Museum for this.

GF Tribune, GF History Museum
GF Tribune, GF History Museum

KMON is coming!

Clipping from April 1, 1948 issue of the GF Tribune announcing that KMON would go on air the following month.
GF Tribune, GF History Museum
GF Tribune, GF History Museum

KMON's First Day!

Clipping from May 30, 1948 issue of the GF Tribune.

It was interesting for me to read these, mainly because some things have changed over the last 75 years, there's a lot that hasn't.  These articles also confirmed that the original studios were in fact in the Tribune building downtown.

GF Tribune, GF History Museum
GF Tribune, GF History Museum

KMON Schedule for the Day

Clipping from the Nov. 24, 1953 issue of the Tribune with KMON's event schedule.
GF Tribune, GF History Museum
GF Tribune, GF History Museum

KMON is Moving!

Clipping form the Jan. 20, 1960 issue of the Tribune announcing KMON's move to the Holiday Village Mall.

KMON moved to the Holiday Village Mall in late January and early February of 1960, not June as I stated in the earlier article.  Again, the difference between when it was done in reality and when it became official according to the government.

Archives, GF History Museum
Archives, GF History Museum

KMON at the Mall

A photo of the KMON offices at the Holiday Village Mall, taken April 1973. Photographer unknown.

Thanks for letting me drag you down memory lane again.  And if you come across a piece of 560 KMON history, let us know.  If I can get enough together, I'd love to do another highlight on it.

Also Check Out:  Behind the Scenes: New Equipment at 560 KMON


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